Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the seat of the sin that corrupts humanity lies within the heart

Sometimes i long for a sign from God telling which way should i go and which should i pass. When i heard people said: listen to your heart; i look for my instincts whenever i am not sure which path should i go through and most of the times i failed to deny that the path i have chosen was not the right path at all.

Did I or did not i listen to my heart?

Sometimes i wonder how heart can make you do the right things. What if the heart does not? I read somewhere that only the hearts that are pure and clean are ought to do so. And one of the ways to clean a heart is by relentlessly reciting the holy Quran. It is also called as the food of the soul. Reciting or listening to the recitations; can do you favors by vacuuming the heart and feeding up the soul, inshaAllah.

P/S; If you are a Christian, in the Old Testament they say, the heart is not merely an organ. It was far more than that. The heart; because of its central location within the body, was considered the seat of all emotions, passions, appetites, intellect and moral faculties. Realistically thinking, the heart cannot be cleaned even if it is vacuumed by the most intelligent vacuum cleaner with a high efficiency or HEPA filter (ok i exaggerated a bit ) but simply by consuming some times for the holy Quran.