Friday, January 11, 2019

Me 2.0, Platinum Package

Hoorah hoorah it's that time of the year again! It's the new year.

Revising channels of what got me going last year isn't that hard. My twins. My husband. My family. Easy! But to strengthen those channels and to gear up a notch to bring those up together needs more than just a little push. I have made a few decisions last year that will pivot this years' overall plans. It is not going to be easier, to sum it up.

We decided that we are going to be unstoppable. We will do what we think are best for the twins, and our little family. We might consider some advices from the people that brought us up but on the whole, we would never let anyone else decide what should we, as a family go through.

I, on my part, decide that I am going to strengthen the 4 pillars of health so I can be a better mother who are able to fully nurture my girls. My exercise, my sleep, my stress level, and of course, my nutrition intake. I'm paying a few people to help me take care of this and let's see where this will get me.

Personally, the most important feature that I will make sure to upgrade this year is my mind. My brain. I am throwing a few hours of study every day so I can get the rusty brain start moving again. Due to maternity leave I have not been using it for more than a year now, so I'm sure the thickness of the rust will scare the hell out of me but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Am I right or am I right?

Without financial income I would not be able to straight it all up so I am gonna spend more strategically than yester-year because let's get real, I was spending like a freaking Kardashian while my bank account looks like I'm homeless. Of course, my net worth in Japan is already minus in the banking world.

The good part was, I was able to set aside a huge amount for the girls' future and put a safe to guard it over. I am so so proud of myself and hope the girls will too, in the future. InsyaAllah.

Well, I found out last year that selling old stuff was a bit healthier than just throwing it away or stock it in the closet for cockroaches to live rent-free, and recycling textiles at H&M will give a handsome return, I am going to do just that to top-up the emptiness in my accounts, aside from S's monthly contribution to the family.

Oh I'm hearing one of the girls. They're up early! Gotta go, toodles!

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