Sunday, January 13, 2019

Making this year the best year yet!

I'm not kidding!

I have last year to take a long break and create a full-completed (for now) family, and I am now vowing to gear up a notch so our family would have a better future. By future I mean in the near future and in the long run, separately.

For this I am going to categorize each sections that I would like to improve.

1)Me & S

First, our sleep. Since getting the twins we did not have a long straight night to ourselves for a few consecutive nights, and we are not planning to. We expect ourselves to wake up a few times every night to cater to the girls' needs and to care for them for whatever they need. But, that does not mean that we don't need to have a schedule of our own. Here I am imploring that S and I should be asleep before midnight everyday, so our anatomy would know that when the clock strikes 12, we are already resting and gearing up for the next day.

Second, our wars. Even though most wars are initiated by me, but I found solace in not having to keep everything inside me all the time. I feel more free to say anything I don't feel right or annoyed to S. The turnover was, when I do, sometimes I always took it up a notch and raise my voice. Being the most loving husband, S would try his best to understand how my anger management didn't work, but I seek to improve this as S did not deserve this type of personality as his wife. Now here I implore to have better control and better manage my anger towards the person I see everyday and every night, my caring husband. As to others, please wait till next year as I can only focus on one person at a time!

2) The girls

Here I vow to spend more times with the girls outdoor. We spent the whole 2018 indoor and now I think I can brave myself enough to take the girls out for a good hour under sunshine everyday. Well, I'll start once a week after they reach their first year of life. (about 2 weeks to go!) And as soon as they are able to walk & run by themselves, I am to enrol them to the nearest gym for them to let of some steam! (Well, this year might be too early)

Additionally, I would spend more time for them to enhance their cognitive abilities (that is the ability to understand) through their senses. I'll use daytime and noon for their schooling and abide to a curriculum for their age. This need extra work everyday, but I. am. doing. it!

3) As a family.

We already decided last year to maximize our home-cooked meals and not introduce sugar and salt to the girls before they reach their 1000th days of life ( from the day they were conceived) so by the time they reach 2 years old, I'll let loose a bit. But for now, no eating after 9 and big breakfast to get us going everyday, yeay! Minimize junk food, eating out, fast-food, and sugar and salt.

Exercise! I am to make sure S exercise 5 times every week, if not EVERYDAY. While me, I am going to attach myself to the gym for a few months. I need to re-create my stamina, I have a twin to care for! I also need me some muscle here and there, too bubbly for a healthy mother figure I aim for the twins. They deserve more than this shabby potato.

To happily reach the end of this year, I urge S to do a resolution map together, and perform GRIT for our future in an attempt to avoid wasting time (years, probably!) towards our common goals.

Practice gratitude! To say thanks to our family supporters in the form of heaven-sent friends and families, by always make time for them, in the means of technology like the internet! (Facetime/Line/iMessage/Zalora/Lazada/Amazon?) Thank you www!

......even though above are not figuratively accountable, I should state here that it's our newly developed principal of the year, which will indefinitely support our goals, directly or indirectly. It should help up get back on track if (when) we lose track possibly in the middle of the year, or as early as the 3rd week of January......

Pray for us!

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