Alhamdulillah, a pretty good year.
Got married to the most beautiful man on earth,
with the most beautiful smile, the purest heart there is.
Got the opportunity to brush up this rusty brain
bit by bit, got promoted in less than a year in the new place,
and the chance to learn new things again.
Falling in love with something called work was unimaginable
before, but this year it's something to look forward to
everyday (put the annoying people aside).
The in-laws are in the perfect terms with mine,
got to stay at each other's places for the first time.
Got to experience each other's cultures and appreciate
each other's differences at the same time.
Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah.
Not to forget the whole clan got to be in Japan
altogether for the first time. Mom and dad got to experience
their first autumn and the siblings got to ski and snowboard,
all 4 of us together for the first time.
Due to getting promoted alhamdulillah got to live in a place
of my dreams in the countryside, where the sun shines right
into the bedroom every morning and the sunset got to be watched
from the balcony while sipping hubby's home made coffee during
the evening.
Bought and built and painted our furnitures, with just the two of us.
Learned to cook and clean and do the laundry for two together,
and the most important one was to learn to share.
Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah.
Bought our first car this year, a used one, but a very strong one.
One who did (and still) not break a sweat to be used in the hot summer days
as well as in the coldest winter. One who still cooperates when
used to go across 260km once a week to satisfy our cravings of certain
(classified) food in the city.
Of course there are some hiccups along the way, thus making way for
the dark side of us appear uninvited. Here's something I put in a form of
list to take up for a better future in 2017, a better insyaAllah.
Things that I'd like to take up are..(not according to sequence)
Åöend of 2016Åö
ŮZakat education for Adam, and Zakat at the mosque
Ůprepare a schedule for al-Quran reading for Adam
ŮSchool bags and stationaries for the needs
ŮSyria funds, mosque funds (you already have extra to give)
ŮTransfer data all pic into PC, start with S's 16GB
ŮSend 5 to mak, after resetting to NEW
Ůbaba's green tea
ŮSend the kids' suitcases to Narita
ÅEDual citizenship (Japan)
ŮCitizenship right to apply to Chevening both from MY and JP!
ÅEChevening Scholarship for Masters
"Chevening Scholarships aim to support individuals to achieve
their professional aspirations.
The course and field of study should relate to your current
or future career goals."
Åôopen every August
Å@ Åômust have unconditional offer by Jul
ÅôCourses must be either nine or 12 months long
Åôfor taught master's degrees or selected short courses of
professional development only.
Åôfor taught master's degrees only.PhD or DPhil are not permitted
Åôfor study in the UK only.
ÅôStart in the autumn term (usually September/October)
ŮAwards/Recommendation(Patent Award!)
ŮVoluntary activities
ÅEBe fit and healthy all year
Ůeat healthy
Ůexercise everyday(treadmill on the way!insyaAllah)
Ůhike, new adventure
Ůbadminton, tennis?
ÅEBe thankful to people and surrounding
ŮRecycle, re-use
ŮAppreciation delivery for family and friends
ŮGet in touch during their anniversaries/birthdays/random
ÅETo have a better management thinking (of life-work balance)
Ůfrequent chess game with Adam
Ůor anyone else
Ůor online
ÅELily at Futurelearn
Ůcomplete one course at a time to train for Master's
Ůto train listening in English
Ůto get acquainted with fellow lecturers
Ůto familiarize English in higher forms
Ůto train for highest level in TOEFL, IELTS
ÅETo prepare welcome-home financial support
ŮBuy a house with a loan
ŮRent it out for Airbnb
ŮManagement by baba
ŮEvents by mama
ŮHelp from yaya and bibi and boboy
ÅEFund for the future kids
Ůput an aim of certain amount
Ůplan a schedule to stick
Ůdeclare a milestone at certain points in above schedule
ÅENafkah education for Adam
Ůprepare some material for Adam to easily understand
ÅEJune income
Ůfor Adam (50%)
ŮBosch's book
Ůfor Mak and baba (RM1000 each)
Ůfor the kids (RM300 each)
ÅEFund for Master's life (12 months)
Ůput an aim of certain amount
Ůplan a schedule to stick
Ůdeclare a milestone at certain points in above schedule
ÅEProfessional carrier
Ůbuild a resume from scratch
Ůupdate it by timeline
Ůrefer to other's linkedin if in trouble
Ůcreate every milestone achieve by date (year, place of event)
Ůthen create a milestone og goals
Ůcreate a pathway, set your steps right
ŮREFLECT it to the resume
Ůset a fixed date, to regularly update