I fall and I pick myself up. I lose hope yet I dream. I am lost and I find myself again. I eat less, yet I get fatter. I cry and I laugh through my tears. I despair yet I believe. I love and I hate. I want to get close yet I run away. All in all, I live in curious paradox.
(set phrase) A linguistic or conceptual distinction which is of no practical importance or which has no effect on meaning; a perceived difference where there is no actual difference.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
baba oh baba
1 bulan lalu masa flight ticket tgh murah;
BABA: qis, summer ni tak payah balik lah, duduk je lah sana, berdikari sikit hidup sorang-sorang..cari part time job ke kan..baru je sekejap duduk sana, dah nak balik..
3 jam yg lalu bila ticket dah start mahal;
BABA: qis, summer ni balik la ye..cuti lama kan tu..nanti blqs takut duduk sana sorang-sorang..
SIGH (>_<)
BABA: qis, summer ni tak payah balik lah, duduk je lah sana, berdikari sikit hidup sorang-sorang..cari part time job ke kan..baru je sekejap duduk sana, dah nak balik..
3 jam yg lalu bila ticket dah start mahal;
BABA: qis, summer ni balik la ye..cuti lama kan tu..nanti blqs takut duduk sana sorang-sorang..
SIGH (>_<)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I didn't ask for it to be over, but then again, I never asked for it to begin.
Ya Allah, aku memohon perlindungan-Mu daripada
hati yang tidak khusyuk,
doa yang tidak didengari,
jiwa yang tidak pernah berasa puas
dan daripada ilmu yang tidak bermanafaat.
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada kempat-empat hal tersebut.
(HR al-Tirmizi).
Thursday, May 20, 2010
sushi story
i had enough sushi!
today ada majlis jamuan makan2 with the japanese teachers
and they served us sushis
and to please them, i just ate all the sushi they gave me
and on the way back to the parking lot,
i threw up like a baby :(
malu sgt!
malu malu malu :(
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
english in japan
today an english teacher (JAD's new teacher-to-be) called me and other malaysian students for an interview held by herself, merely just trying to know us more before starting to teach our kouhais back at malaysia.
this is the first time i meet a malay, after 2months living here in japan. She's about mama's age, and somehow look a bit like mama, and later on the interview turned into chit chats, along with aiman, kak z and kak aney we talked and laughed like maniacs, happy to see and to share our feelings and stories with her.
well her name is Puan Hamidah, graduated in england which is going to be working along with Shirin Sensei teaching English for YPM.
the interview were in english, so this is the first time im using english to communicate and i was so nervous at the same time excited, and sorta embarrased by stupid words that came out of nowhere (i mean bhsa rojak campur melayu-english-jepun) and thank god pn hamidah faham je, and she said i wasnt so bad. yeay panda ! :)
the chats were great, and kak aney with her cute way of talking spiced up the atmosphere and in a nutshell, i had a great time.
then later i had dinner at indradip which is an indian restaurant selling halal tandoori chicken and roti nan. superb !
and the chicken curry and kuah dal, and the salad dressing :):):)
i just cant help not to eat there at least once or twice a week.
oh now i know why im always broke !
lpas ni kene jimat2 :(
Monday, May 17, 2010
8 worth reading.
As i flipped through the pages i found a note, scribbled by carbon, almost torned along with time.
It says;
These are ones of the shortest surah,
so nabaw, remember to amalkan!
Sayang mak:)
It says;
Fatiha: from anger of Allah
Yaseen: from the thirst of the day of judgement
Waqiah: from poverty, starvation
Mulk: from punishment of grave
Kauthar: from the enmity of enemy
Kafiroon: from kuffar at the time of death
Falaq: from calamities
Naas: from evil thoughts
These are ones of the shortest surah,
so nabaw, remember to amalkan!
Sayang mak:)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Today is Teacher's Day.
I remembered dancing and singing on stage when I was 10 as a celebration held by the school to celebrate that unexpectedly truly memorable day for the teachers, obviously, and me- :)
It was my first time singing as a solo-which i wouldnt dare to repeat the 'stunt' again after that until now, and in the middle of the song, which is the chorus, i was so nervous and i forgot the lyrics :(
And i stopped singing, and everyone was staring, and i smiled, (a reluctant smile) and i whispered to the nearest friends who turned up to be my backup singers and they were confused they couldnt make up what i was saying and i was so hopeless and closed my eyes and sang the song all over again, WITHOUT the chorus.
It was the most embarassing moment at that time, and if i could turn back the time, i promise i will be 100% extremely focus in the rehearsel back then. Well, it's just a wish. Im just glad it was over (eventho the rest of 5 minutes on the stage seemed to feel like forever!)
Anyways, happy teacher's day to all. Especially to LIFE, as for it is the most loyal teacher.
Pada masa dahulu, ada sebuah kampung dimana semua rakyatnya amat RAJIN belaka tidak ada yang malas.
Jadi pada suatu hari, rajanya membuat pengumuman hendak mencari seorang yang malas.
Semasa perhimpunan itu, adalah seorang lelaki mengaku
Katanya : 'saya adalah yang paling malas'
Raja pun bertanya : 'apa tahap malas awak?'
Lalu jawab lelaki tersebut :'kalau saya hendak makan,ada orang yang menyuapkan saya'.
Tiba-tiba datang seorang lelaki lagi : 'Saya lebih malas lagi dari dia tuanku'.
Tuanku pun bertanya kepadanya : 'sampai mana pulak tahap malas awak?'
maka jawabnya : 'Kalau saya makanpun, sampai ada orang tolong kunyahkan'.
Maka raja pun terdiam.....
Tanpa disangka2 datang seorang budak lelaki datang kepadanya sambil berkata:
'saya adalah yang paling malas tuanku'.
Raja pun bertanya: 'bagaimana pula tahap kemalasan awak?'
budak itu pun menjawab : 'Nak cite pun malas'....
Jadi pada suatu hari, rajanya membuat pengumuman hendak mencari seorang yang malas.
Semasa perhimpunan itu, adalah seorang lelaki mengaku
Katanya : 'saya adalah yang paling malas'
Raja pun bertanya : 'apa tahap malas awak?'
Lalu jawab lelaki tersebut :'kalau saya hendak makan,ada orang yang menyuapkan saya'.
Tiba-tiba datang seorang lelaki lagi : 'Saya lebih malas lagi dari dia tuanku'.
Tuanku pun bertanya kepadanya : 'sampai mana pulak tahap malas awak?'
maka jawabnya : 'Kalau saya makanpun, sampai ada orang tolong kunyahkan'.
Maka raja pun terdiam.....
Tanpa disangka2 datang seorang budak lelaki datang kepadanya sambil berkata:
'saya adalah yang paling malas tuanku'.
Raja pun bertanya: 'bagaimana pula tahap kemalasan awak?'
budak itu pun menjawab : 'Nak cite pun malas'....
Saturday, May 15, 2010
4 golongan lelaki yg ditarik oleh wanita ke neraka
1) Ayahnya
Apabila seseorang yang bergelar ayah tidak mempedulikan anak-anak perempuannya di dunia. Dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat, mengaji dan sebagainya. Dia membiarkan anak-anak perempuannya tidak menutup aurat……tidak cukup kalau dengan hanya member kemewahan dunia sahaja maka dia akan ditarik oleh anaknya.
2) Suaminya
Apabila seorang suami tidak memperdulikan tindak-tanduk isterinya. Bergaul bebas di pejabat, memperhiaskan diri bukan untuk suami tapi untuk pandangan kaum lelaki yang bukan mahram, apabila suami mendiam diri…..walaupun dia seorang alim (solat tidak tangguh, puasa tidak tinggal) maka dia akan ditarik oleh isterinya.
3) Abang-abangnya
Apabila ayahnya sudah tiada, tanggungjawab menjaga maruah wanita jatuh pula ke abang-abangnya… ..jikalau mereka hanya mementing keluarganya sahaja dan adik perempuannya dibiar melencong dari ajaran ISLAM….tunggulah tarikan adiknya di akhirat.
4) Anak lelakinya
Apabila seorang anak tidak menasihati seorang ibu perihal kelakuan yang haram dari Islam, maka anak itu akan disoal dan dipertanggungjawabk an di akhirat kelak....nantikan tarikan ibunya.
Maka kita lihat betapa hebatnya tarikan wanita bukan sahaja di dunia malah di akhirat pun tarikannya begitu hebat…maka kaum lelaki yang bergelar ayah / suami / abang / anak harus memainkan peranan mereka yang sebenar. Firman Allah subhanahuwata’ ala yang bermaksud;
“Hai anak Adam, peliharalah diri kamu serta ahlimu dari api neraka, dimana bahan pembakarannya ialah manusia dan batu-batu…….”
Hai wanita, kasihankan ayah anda, suami anda, abang-abang anda, serta anak-anak lelaki anda….kasihankanlah mereka dan diri kamu sendiri…jalankan perintah Allah S.W.T dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan dengan ikhlas…
Akhir kata, marilah kita berdoa agar kita semua terselamat dari ditarik oleh mana-mana pihak atau tertarik mana-mana pihak. Harga seseorang muslim adalah sangat berharga. Allah S.W.T nilaikan seseorang muslim dengan Syurga… semua kaum muslim masuk syurga….janganlah kita membuang atau tidak mengendah janji ALLAH S.W.T.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I lost my file.
I knew i held it all the time.
I never put my file out of my sight.
And it is impossible anyone want to steal my file.
It doesnt worth the time. At all.
My file is my life, my only connection to my classes.
They are the only pulse i have to keep breathing in the examination hall.
My file is the only torchlight i have to help me see through the beauty of knowledge.
I miss my file.
Next week, were gonna have another test.
And i have not found my file yet.
I lost my file :(
I never put my file out of my sight.
And it is impossible anyone want to steal my file.
It doesnt worth the time. At all.
My file is my life, my only connection to my classes.
They are the only pulse i have to keep breathing in the examination hall.
My file is the only torchlight i have to help me see through the beauty of knowledge.
I miss my file.
Next week, were gonna have another test.
And i have not found my file yet.
I lost my file :(
Why we left and why we will continue to leave
I read an interesting article today about a few prominent figures addressing their concern over the increasing UKM and UM medical graduates who have left the country to continue their medical practice overseas.
After reading the news for 3 times, I called a very close friend, an MD (UKM) graduate to ask his opinion on how the news might have affected him. He has been working in Singapore for more than a decade as a Consultant Surgeon with a certain sub-specialty
"Why be a slave in your own country, when you are a king in another?" He replied.
Indeed, if anybody would want to find a reason why all of us left, either after housemanship, after being a specialist, or even after sub specializing, and now, even prior to doing housemanship, they need not look at our payslip, or the wealth that we have gained overseas, but only to the Medical System that has been rotting in the ignorance and politic-based stupidity that Malaysia has been well-known for (in the medical field).
I have served the system for nearly 2 decades of my career, waiting for it to improve for so long, and only finding myself in despair, quitting with a 24-hour notice and serving abroad. The system is, in my opinion, keeping doctors, since the beginning of their career as House Officers to the end of it, in the lowermost priority. When I was working there, doctors are so ill-treated, while the nurses and the medical assistants are overpowering us.
I still remember the days when I was doing seeing patients and rounds as an MO, while the staff nurses would mind their own business, having breakfast in the pantry, or having gossip chats at their own leisure. My House Officers would then have to do merely all the labour-work, up to the extent of setting intravenous drips, and serving medications. If I am to expect the nurses, my patients would have been dead, or the work would have been too slowly or incompletely done.
When I was a House Officer, I had to run down 4-5 floors just to review a blood investigation of a dying dengue patient. The ward staff would either be nowhere around, or will say that he is busy (busier than the doctor?) or the answer I got at that time:
"Doktor nak cepat, doktor turun sendirilah, gaji doktor lagi banyak dari saya"
Even when I was a Specialist, the staff nurses had to be called again and again just to make sure the management plan for the patient would be done. I was already used to answers from them:
“I’m busy with something else"
“My shift is already over"
...it was routine for me.
The Medical Assistants were worse. They would hide behind their so-called boss, the Head of Medical Assistant. They feel hiding behind him would make them not under our jurisdiction, that we have no power to instruct them in managing the patient, that they have power to manage own their own. I've seen them giving medications not as we prescribed, performing procedures without our knowledge, as if they are the actual "Doctors". They are in their own world, and we have to do their job, taking blood, labelling samples, and even cleaning gadgets from the procedures that we have done.
Oh, but the ministry loves this group. They even let them run a clinic now, instead of upgrading the clinics already run by doctors. The government feels that the MAs are very important and should never be ill-treated by those big bad doctors. One time when I was a District Hospital Medical Officer, I was conducting a delivery of a baby. An MA insisted that I remove my car which was block-parking his car. I answered through the phone that I was busy.
He came to the labor room and yelled "Semua orang pun sibuk jugak, macamlah doktor seorang yang sibuk!”
It is insulting that an MA or a staff nurse claims that they are BUSY, as busy as a doctor? As a Malaysian Doctor, I have even worked for 72 hours straight. I have experienced working until my 6 month old daughter did not recognize me at the end of the week.
Is that how busy they are? I am very sure that they are so busy, that they can only spend 2 hours at the nearby Mamak stall, or can only leave at 5:10 PM instead of 5, or can only have 1 hour of lunch.
The management staffs are worse. I have to beg and plead so that I can get my on-call claims, of RM25 per 48 hours of work. While sitting in an air-conditioned office, they will at their own leisure, process my call claims so that I will receive them by the next decade.
The state health or Hospital Director would just give another inspirational talk (of bollocks) on team effort and beauty of teamwork.
That is how Malaysian doctors are treated in the government sector: without respect, without dignity and without significance. Why?
It is because we are bound by ethics to try our best to save lives, despite how ill-treated we are. We hardly have time to complaint because we are too busy or tired, and we would rather spend the precious time resting or seeing our loved ones. The burden of trying to save lives is on our shoulders alone. No MAs or Staff nurses would shoulder it with us. They have their own bosses: the Sisters, Matrons, or Head of MAs, which job description is to ensure that the big bad doctors will not ask their underlings to do extra work.
This is how the Malaysian Ministry of Health have treated their doctors. I am very sure that in each and every doctor, there is a slowly-burning patience in serving the Malaysian people, which will eventually fade and cause them to surrender to serving a place that treats them better.
A few colleagues who graduated from UK choose to serve there:
"The pay is more, and we get the respect we deserve"
Another works in Brunei:
“Here the staff nurses respect Malaysian doctors, and they are very co-operative" (He ended up marrying one)
A few are consultants in Singapore (working with me):
"Here we are treated well, we spearhead the management, and every else do their work to the best of their capabilities".
A few even enjoys working in Indonesia:
“The work-load is horrible since there are a lot of patients, but we are well respected by every hospital personnel" (They have migrated there for nearly a decade)
I am sure that people will see doctors as power-hungry individuals who want to be the boss in the hospital. Trust me, after having graduated 6-7 years of medical school, earning a DEGREE, and subsequently MASTERS, and SUBSPECIALITY, you would expect a degree of respect and being considered important. We are trying our best to improve patient's quality of life, or making sure he lives another day. Is it too much to ask from the system that we are important?
I find that Malaysia is the only country that is making doctors' lives miserable and treated like rubbish. It was never about the pay in the first place. It is about the treatment we are getting and the false political-based promises. Do you know that the so-called circular about doctors can have the day off after working 24 hours straight released JULY 2009 is not yet implemented? Do you know that the raise of UD 41 to 44 does not involve every doctor in the government service?
We are waiting for improvement. We have waited a long time when we were working in the system. Somewhere along the line we decided to leave and wait outside the system. Until the system changes, we will continue to work overseas, in countries which are appreciative of us. Trust me, Malaysian-graduate doctors are considered highly skilful and competent in neighbouring countries, and the 15 % brain drain is more significant than you think.
We will return when the system prioritize us and gives us the quality of life we deserve.
If it stays the same, Malaysian Hospitals would end up having Staff nurses and Medical Assistants as "Doctors", and we would have to send patients to Indonesia for an appendicectomy.
Hear our voice. We hardly speak, but will usually fade away from conflict (and fly to another place).
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Posted by: MS Mohamad, NST Online.
P/S; Sop, if you're reading this, you better be prepared to be malaysia's new slave:)
After reading the news for 3 times, I called a very close friend, an MD (UKM) graduate to ask his opinion on how the news might have affected him. He has been working in Singapore for more than a decade as a Consultant Surgeon with a certain sub-specialty
"Why be a slave in your own country, when you are a king in another?" He replied.
Indeed, if anybody would want to find a reason why all of us left, either after housemanship, after being a specialist, or even after sub specializing, and now, even prior to doing housemanship, they need not look at our payslip, or the wealth that we have gained overseas, but only to the Medical System that has been rotting in the ignorance and politic-based stupidity that Malaysia has been well-known for (in the medical field).
I have served the system for nearly 2 decades of my career, waiting for it to improve for so long, and only finding myself in despair, quitting with a 24-hour notice and serving abroad. The system is, in my opinion, keeping doctors, since the beginning of their career as House Officers to the end of it, in the lowermost priority. When I was working there, doctors are so ill-treated, while the nurses and the medical assistants are overpowering us.
I still remember the days when I was doing seeing patients and rounds as an MO, while the staff nurses would mind their own business, having breakfast in the pantry, or having gossip chats at their own leisure. My House Officers would then have to do merely all the labour-work, up to the extent of setting intravenous drips, and serving medications. If I am to expect the nurses, my patients would have been dead, or the work would have been too slowly or incompletely done.
When I was a House Officer, I had to run down 4-5 floors just to review a blood investigation of a dying dengue patient. The ward staff would either be nowhere around, or will say that he is busy (busier than the doctor?) or the answer I got at that time:
"Doktor nak cepat, doktor turun sendirilah, gaji doktor lagi banyak dari saya"
Even when I was a Specialist, the staff nurses had to be called again and again just to make sure the management plan for the patient would be done. I was already used to answers from them:
“I’m busy with something else"
“My shift is already over"
...it was routine for me.
The Medical Assistants were worse. They would hide behind their so-called boss, the Head of Medical Assistant. They feel hiding behind him would make them not under our jurisdiction, that we have no power to instruct them in managing the patient, that they have power to manage own their own. I've seen them giving medications not as we prescribed, performing procedures without our knowledge, as if they are the actual "Doctors". They are in their own world, and we have to do their job, taking blood, labelling samples, and even cleaning gadgets from the procedures that we have done.
Oh, but the ministry loves this group. They even let them run a clinic now, instead of upgrading the clinics already run by doctors. The government feels that the MAs are very important and should never be ill-treated by those big bad doctors. One time when I was a District Hospital Medical Officer, I was conducting a delivery of a baby. An MA insisted that I remove my car which was block-parking his car. I answered through the phone that I was busy.
He came to the labor room and yelled "Semua orang pun sibuk jugak, macamlah doktor seorang yang sibuk!”
It is insulting that an MA or a staff nurse claims that they are BUSY, as busy as a doctor? As a Malaysian Doctor, I have even worked for 72 hours straight. I have experienced working until my 6 month old daughter did not recognize me at the end of the week.
Is that how busy they are? I am very sure that they are so busy, that they can only spend 2 hours at the nearby Mamak stall, or can only leave at 5:10 PM instead of 5, or can only have 1 hour of lunch.
The management staffs are worse. I have to beg and plead so that I can get my on-call claims, of RM25 per 48 hours of work. While sitting in an air-conditioned office, they will at their own leisure, process my call claims so that I will receive them by the next decade.
The state health or Hospital Director would just give another inspirational talk (of bollocks) on team effort and beauty of teamwork.
That is how Malaysian doctors are treated in the government sector: without respect, without dignity and without significance. Why?
It is because we are bound by ethics to try our best to save lives, despite how ill-treated we are. We hardly have time to complaint because we are too busy or tired, and we would rather spend the precious time resting or seeing our loved ones. The burden of trying to save lives is on our shoulders alone. No MAs or Staff nurses would shoulder it with us. They have their own bosses: the Sisters, Matrons, or Head of MAs, which job description is to ensure that the big bad doctors will not ask their underlings to do extra work.
This is how the Malaysian Ministry of Health have treated their doctors. I am very sure that in each and every doctor, there is a slowly-burning patience in serving the Malaysian people, which will eventually fade and cause them to surrender to serving a place that treats them better.
A few colleagues who graduated from UK choose to serve there:
"The pay is more, and we get the respect we deserve"
Another works in Brunei:
“Here the staff nurses respect Malaysian doctors, and they are very co-operative" (He ended up marrying one)
A few are consultants in Singapore (working with me):
"Here we are treated well, we spearhead the management, and every else do their work to the best of their capabilities".
A few even enjoys working in Indonesia:
“The work-load is horrible since there are a lot of patients, but we are well respected by every hospital personnel" (They have migrated there for nearly a decade)
I am sure that people will see doctors as power-hungry individuals who want to be the boss in the hospital. Trust me, after having graduated 6-7 years of medical school, earning a DEGREE, and subsequently MASTERS, and SUBSPECIALITY, you would expect a degree of respect and being considered important. We are trying our best to improve patient's quality of life, or making sure he lives another day. Is it too much to ask from the system that we are important?
I find that Malaysia is the only country that is making doctors' lives miserable and treated like rubbish. It was never about the pay in the first place. It is about the treatment we are getting and the false political-based promises. Do you know that the so-called circular about doctors can have the day off after working 24 hours straight released JULY 2009 is not yet implemented? Do you know that the raise of UD 41 to 44 does not involve every doctor in the government service?
We are waiting for improvement. We have waited a long time when we were working in the system. Somewhere along the line we decided to leave and wait outside the system. Until the system changes, we will continue to work overseas, in countries which are appreciative of us. Trust me, Malaysian-graduate doctors are considered highly skilful and competent in neighbouring countries, and the 15 % brain drain is more significant than you think.
We will return when the system prioritize us and gives us the quality of life we deserve.
If it stays the same, Malaysian Hospitals would end up having Staff nurses and Medical Assistants as "Doctors", and we would have to send patients to Indonesia for an appendicectomy.
Hear our voice. We hardly speak, but will usually fade away from conflict (and fly to another place).
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Posted by: MS Mohamad, NST Online.
P/S; Sop, if you're reading this, you better be prepared to be malaysia's new slave:)
The Muslim's 25 Rules for Life
Assalamualeikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
I would like to share with you what I think is good for us Muslims.
Please, read and if possible Insha-Allah practice them. May Allah
makes it easier for us and rewards us Jannat (Firdaus Nuzulah)
I received this from my convert friend,Hillary.
Oh Allah Increase Me in Knowledge (A'ameen).
The Muslim's 25 rules for life
1. Start off each day with 'adhkaar al-istiyqaadh' (waking up
Supplication or du'a, thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.
2.Put Allah first in yr life (eg.never leave yr daily solat). for women, it's ok to take wudhu' n perform yr solat first, then continue with yr meeting,etc
3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran every
day, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day,take up a
booklet having supplications and read them.
4. Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise).
5. If someone says something mean ;to you, just shrug it off and
dismiss it in a friendly, laidback manner, and pray that Allah shall
forgive them.
6. When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and worthless
life is to waste in being Angry.
7. Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you can
have few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of your
creation ( i.e. live for Allah).
8. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others. Thank
Allah for that, and pray its continuation.
9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think that
it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience,and thank
Allah that it's not worse than it is.
10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding a
poor person, or caressing an orphan's head.
11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah's love and thus work
For it. Then you can win the love of Allah's slaves.
12. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation.
13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you
will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for
Him(those who are enemies of Him)
14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that
what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintain silence
(this is tough!!).
15. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, give time
to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and watch that He
is watching you.
16. Pray for blessing to come to those being lost, and pray to Allah
to guide them to the right path.
17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey but
stop at Allah's orders.
18. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to him or
her and you are rewarded.
19. Forgive, forget and smile.
20. Tears are not for women only... tears are for all human beings
with feelings remaining in them. Don't restrain your tears when
remembering Allah.
21. When people criticize your actions and effort, revise your actions
and see if they please Allah or no. If they do; then ignore and
remember how the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba were criticized, made
fun of and even physically harmed, so have patience.
22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completing it
as much as you could. As you open the Quran daily, read with observing
not just passing your eyes through the words.
23. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you
may lose from it more than gain.
24. Never look down on anybody, for, to Allah, they may be better than you.
25. Send this to all brothers with the intention of having a healthy
society living for Allah and pray to Allah for the reward.
I would like to share with you what I think is good for us Muslims.
Please, read and if possible Insha-Allah practice them. May Allah
makes it easier for us and rewards us Jannat (Firdaus Nuzulah)
I received this from my convert friend,Hillary.
Oh Allah Increase Me in Knowledge (A'ameen).
The Muslim's 25 rules for life
1. Start off each day with 'adhkaar al-istiyqaadh' (waking up
Supplication or du'a, thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.
2.Put Allah first in yr life (eg.never leave yr daily solat). for women, it's ok to take wudhu' n perform yr solat first, then continue with yr meeting,etc
3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran every
day, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day,take up a
booklet having supplications and read them.
4. Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise).
5. If someone says something mean ;to you, just shrug it off and
dismiss it in a friendly, laidback manner, and pray that Allah shall
forgive them.
6. When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and worthless
life is to waste in being Angry.
7. Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you can
have few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of your
creation ( i.e. live for Allah).
8. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others. Thank
Allah for that, and pray its continuation.
9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think that
it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience,and thank
Allah that it's not worse than it is.
10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding a
poor person, or caressing an orphan's head.
11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah's love and thus work
For it. Then you can win the love of Allah's slaves.
12. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation.
13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you
will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for
Him(those who are enemies of Him)
14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that
what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintain silence
(this is tough!!).
15. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, give time
to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and watch that He
is watching you.
16. Pray for blessing to come to those being lost, and pray to Allah
to guide them to the right path.
17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey but
stop at Allah's orders.
18. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to him or
her and you are rewarded.
19. Forgive, forget and smile.
20. Tears are not for women only... tears are for all human beings
with feelings remaining in them. Don't restrain your tears when
remembering Allah.
21. When people criticize your actions and effort, revise your actions
and see if they please Allah or no. If they do; then ignore and
remember how the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba were criticized, made
fun of and even physically harmed, so have patience.
22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completing it
as much as you could. As you open the Quran daily, read with observing
not just passing your eyes through the words.
23. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you
may lose from it more than gain.
24. Never look down on anybody, for, to Allah, they may be better than you.
25. Send this to all brothers with the intention of having a healthy
society living for Allah and pray to Allah for the reward.
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